2021 Poster Session


December 2 & 3, 2021

Chozen International Symposium on Understanding the Transboundary Pollution along North-South Transect in western Pacific region

November 30 & December 1, 2021

Joint Usage/Joint Research Symposium on Integrated Environmental Studies

November 26 & 29, 2021

Access Trial for Online Presentations (Speakers)

November 15, 2021

Deadline: Uploading Poster

November 15, 2021

Deadline: Audience Registration

November 1, 2021

Symposium Site Opens

October 31, 2021

Deadline: Registration for Poster Presentations

Visiting Ogoya mining meseum (mining tunnel exhibition)


Small experiment to measure water quality of Lake Kibagata


発表セッション 講演番号 講演題目 発表者(筆頭) 連名発表者 キーワード 発表ページ
November 15, 2021

Analysis of molybdenum adsorption formation on oxide by surface complexation model

Experiment (observation of physicochemical parameter and water sampling using the research ship, and sampling the microorganisms using plankton net)

Trace metal fraction in size-segregated aerosols in remote and urban site in Japan.

Changes of long-range transport of common air pollutants in COVID-19 period.

Small lecture (Field survey of PM)

Characteristics of PM2.5 at a roadside air pollution monitoring station from 2017 to 2020 in Kanazawa, Japan.

Physiological and ecological research of red-clawed crab Chiromantes haematocheir.

Public participation of geothermal energy projects in East-Africa

Both inorganic mercury and methylmercury decrease osteoclastic and osteoblastic activities in the scales of marine teleosts

Transport of Soil Particle in the Reservoir-Catchment System Using Fallout Radionuclides 7Be and 210Pb

Surface currents, primary production and anthropogenic PAHs dynamics: observations from the southern Okhotsk Sea

Air pollution exposure and lung function among office workers in current China: a pilot survey in heavy-polluted cities

Statistical approach on records from Lake Olgoy, Valley of Gobi the Lake in Mongolia

Distribution of uranium and arsenic between sediments and lake water in alkaline- hyposaline lake from Valley of Gobi Lakes in Mongolia

Evidence of long-range atmospheric transport of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)in the lakes of Lesser Himalaya

Health risk assessment of heavy metal contamination in drinking water and human health risk assessment in Ger district of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Robust prediction model of As(V) adsorption on oxide minerals

Interannual variability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in East Asian marginal seas during 2017-2021

Recent concentrations of PAHs in PM2.5 at Seoul, Korea and characteristics of their Sources

Local government adaptation to climate change through policy integration in Indonesia

Small lecture (Thermodynamic analysis of dissolved silica concentrations in natural water)

Vegetation Survey at Suzu shrine

Participant Greeting Video

Variation of aquatic humic substances characteristics in river, brackish lake and coastal marine environments

Influence of Asian dust events on the characteristics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and nitro-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at Wajima, a background site in Japan

Radioactivity research lecture at Low Level Radioactivity Laboratory (LLRL)

Changes of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and nitro-PAHs in Xinxiang after the implementation of air pollution prevention and control policies

Analyses of Sag Pond Stratigraphy to Assess the Disaster History along Lembang Fault, West Java, Indonesia

Observation of fish

November 15, 2021

Consideration towards human health risk assessment and management of heavy metal pollution in groundwater of Erdenet city, Mongolia

Formation conditions of calcium carbonate hemihydrate

Lecture (Microplastic Problem in Marine Environment)

Small lecture of marine animals

Visiting Ogoya mining meseum (mining tunnel exhibition)

Lecture and Workshop on SDGs

Formation of monohydrocalcite at temperatures around the freezing point

Lecture for marine observation

Excursion in Awazu Rice Paddy field

Surface water circulations in the southwestern Sea of Japan: Implications from the Ra-228/Ra-226 ratio and Cs-134 concentration

Solubility of Amorphous Magnesium Carbonate at Low Temperature

The seasonal characteristics and the potential sources of inorganic ions in the atmosphere at a Japanese remote background site, Wajima

Thermoluminescence from foraminifera

2021 Poster Session

2020 Poster Session

Vertical transport of reactive materials in the Sea of Japan; implications from distributions of 228Th/228Ra ratios

Effect of melatonin on bone metabolism in naturally aged mice

Investigation of adhesivity of marine organic aerosols by atomic force microscopy

Small lecture on geography and geology of Noto peninsula

Isolation, characterization, and detection of a Vibrio sp. strain associated with mass mortalities of the pearl oyster Pinctada fucata.

Introduction (Prof. Nagao) at Low Level Radioactivity Laboratory (LLRL)

Construction of a multi-element XANES library of layered silicates used for water metamorphism analysis in meteorite mother celestial bodies

October 31, 2021

Spatial variations of 134Cs concentrations off Hokkaido in 2020 and 2021

Direct Measurement of Adhesion Force of Individual Aerosol Particles by Atomic Force Microscopy and Application for Ambient Aerosol Particles

November 1, 2021

Experiment (measurement of Si and 222Rn in seawater, vertical cross-section analysis of physicochemical parameter in seawater)

Lacustrine sediment analysis to understand the past environmental changes in valley of the Gobi Lakes, Mongolia: Analyses of Tsagaan Lake sediment

Personal exposure to air pollution and lung function of urban residents in Beijing and Baoding, China

Lecture (Introduction to atmospheric abservation: Principles of measurements and operation)

Trace elements contamination in water of alkaline-hyposaline lake from Valley of Gobi Lakes, Mongolia: Field evidence of elevated level of As and U accumulated by evaporation

Paleoenvironment in Lake Olgoy, Mongolia based on the anaylses of sediment from the paleoshoreline

Quantification of volatile organic amines using gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry in the atmosphere at Seoul, South Korea.

Move the marine animals

Stakeholders’ evaluation on sustainability of community- based wastewater treatment facility in Indonesia: Case of Jakarta

Long-term measurements of aerosol physical properties in the Noto Peninsula

Development of aerosol into liquid sampler for collecting nanoparticles by combining particle size magnifier and wet cyclone

Towards the zircon alpha recoil track dating: Test of americium radiation source

Evaluation of the plastic-derived toxic chemicals (styrene oligomer) on fish bone metabolism

Visiting Ogoya Underground Laboratory

November 30 & December 1, 2021

Indicator based evaluation of urban sustainability: Case of major African cities

Preliminary results of 10.5 m core record from lake Olgoy, Valley of the Lake in Mongolia

Summer School

Water body extraction and change detection using time series: A case study of Buuntsagaan, Orog and Olgoi lakes

Collection of marine animals

Detection of RANKL-producing cells and osteoclastic activation by the addition of RANKL in the regenerating scales of goldfish.

Small lecture on geography of Kaga district and observation of Lake Kibagata

Aerosolization of colloidal nanoparticles by spray dry method for cell exposure study

Experiment Sea urchin

Determining spatiotemporal dispersion of local scale dust from the Erdenet mine, Mongolia using Himawari-8 geostationary satellite: A qualitative study

Construction of a multi-element XANES library of layered silicates used for water metamorphism analysis in meteorite mother celestial bodies

Thin section etching of zircon for micro thermochronology by fission track method: A trial

Land disturbance (land subsidence) impact in open mining area reduced soil quality and led to soil degradation in arid regions of southern Mongolia

Selectivity coefficient of Na+-NH4+ exchange in saponite layer -Reconstruction of ammonium concentration in early ocean on Ceres-

Oceanic currents driven PAHs surface distrubition differences in 2017 and 2019 at northeast Japan Sea

The characteristics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and nitro-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Vladivostok, Russia

November 26 & 29, 2021

December 2 & 3, 2021

Visiting Ogoya mining museum (in-house exhibition)

Lecture for chemical experiment

Desorption behavior of heavy metals from contaminated soils : A surface complexation modeling